NARIC (National Academic Recognition Information Centers) and ENIC (European Network of Information Centers) networks, which were merged by the Lisbon Recognition Convention Committee in 2004, operate under the name of ENIC-NARIC country offices and exchange information on issues such as the recognition of academic and professional qualifications, quality assurance in higher education, use and dissemination of Bologna process tools and academic mobility, and produce international policies. ENIC-NARIC Office, Türkiye has been continuing its activities under the Council of Higher Education, Department of Recognition and Equivalence Services (DRES).

Duties run by the Office:

  • Issuance of Institution Recognition Certificate,
  • Evaluation of the recognition applications of foreign HEIs and reporting to the Board of CoHE for a final decision,
  • Exchanging information with national and international stakeholders about education and higher education systems and about regulations & practices of recognition,
  • Issuing an "authorized recognition certificate" for the TRNC qualifications to facilitate the use of HE diplomas.

Click for details: https://www.enic-naric.net/turkey.aspx .